Instagram bio copy and paste 5000+ ((NEW COLLECTION)
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instagram bio copy and paste |
💯Official account🔐
😘Music lover🎶
⚽Sports lover⛳
😍Sports bike lover
💰ßig Dreamer
😭Cry the 1 st time in my life #25/11/99#
📌Hate me or Date me
🍟 foody
😉U will find a boy better than me but U don’t find boy like me😃
ALSO READ: best instagram bio to get more followers
🎂1st Jan👻
💪Gym lvr💪
😊Flirty Boy😊
🎸Guitar lover🎸
😎CA student😎
🍲Food Lover
No Bike 🛵
No Car 🚙
No IPhone 📵
No Girlfriend ❌
No Money 📂
But I’m Still Happy 😊
👉Future civil engineer
👉Born on 8th July🎂
👉Music lover🎶
👉Love to life enjoy with best buddies👬
👉Love to travelling🚘
#You_Are_My_Favorite_Pain😇 💑
Life doesn’t always give u a second chance🤗💞💙
U never get a second chance to create the first impression😊💛💚💜
So make ur first chance count☺️💝💖❤️
😎MR. perfect😎
👑Royal entry on 9 july🎂
🙏Respect girls🙏
💝Music lover🎶
😎Bindas chora😎
😊cute kamina😉
😎No gf Q ki abhi ma to ma chota hu na😋
ALSO READ :Instagram Par Famous Hone Ke Liye Kya Karen {इंस्टाग्राम पर फेमस होने के लिए क्या करें}
😋LoGin In WoRld_30/Dec
☣ Ôwņ ŘúĽÊś ☠
🎧Muѕíc Addíctєd…
💓Hak Sє Sínglє…
❌ ȚřÛśť 🚫
😍 love➡🏍🚘🎧
🍁Flirty munda🍁
🎩Style me no limit👟
》 22/7 🎂
》 Mech. engineer 😍
》 Music lover 🎧🎸
》 Love 2 ride 🏍
❤I Don’t Know Why I Like You
💋The Heart That Seeks An Answer
💋Has Only Lost It’s Way
💋Over And Over Again I Like You
💋I Love You My heart❤
👫 Mom + Dad
👉 My World 💖
💪 Champion 🏆
🎶 Music Lover 🎶
😘 lv My Friends 💝
💙 Girls were Respect ☺
ALSO READ:Instagram पर Free Me Followers कैसे बढ़ाये 2021-2022
Singal 100%
Intelligent 90%
Believe in luck 80%
FB Star 70%
Insta Export 60%
Bike Rider 50%
Stylish 40%
Loving 30%
Smart 20%
Sad 10%
↔B’DAY COME ON 12/10🎂
😎Creation of God🌟
👍LoGin In The World 29August🎂
1st cry on 19 December..🙂
I want vitamin “U”😋
If children get love from their family 👪
They will never go out in search of love 🙂
Sweet is my smile ,unique is my style
Bindass life , no attitude
I m not a gud boy but i hv a world’s sweetest person
I’m a king only4my #Queen
🔶mY FiRst cUrSh iS My mOm..👩
🔶 FiRsT SuPeRhErO iS mY FaTheR.💪
🔶LOgIn iN eArTh oN 17 SeP🎂
❌NOBODY can “AFFORD” me😈
😘LiFe GiVeS Me UnliMiTeD HapPiNesS
😜GuJJu BoY
↪💟 Single 💟
↪Mom first kiss on 21st jun
↪🔶I Don’t Care About Popularity🙌
↪🔷Based On Originality💯
↪😂I’m Happy..Bitches Hate that🖕😈
#Photo Freak📷
#Music Lover🎧
#Basketball Player🏀
#Pool Player🎱
#Cake Murder 8 July🎂
#Still Single!!🙏
💗 My family
🎂 March 🎂
📚 CA-stud (final) 📖
🏃 Crazy ⁴ dance
🏇 Chess player
👤 Hero 👉DaD
🙌 Twenty ✌🏃
😘 crush 👉 Shirley Setia 😍
⏺F O O T B A L L _ P L A Y E R 💯
⏺ Forever_Motto😘
👉Professional Dance choreographer💃
👉Wish me on 9 nov🎂🎁
👉Trance lover😎
👉First love guitar🎸
👉All time music🎧🎸with happiness. ..😊
#👉Landed on🌎👉10 Feb🎂
# 🎓Student
#👉Back Bancher
#🎸Music Lover
#🍴Food Fantic
#✌Party Animal
#👓Desi Munda
❤Don’t love too soon*😉
❤Don’t trust too fast*
❤Don’t expect too high*
❤Because it hurts😏
👉Marwadi Choro 👈
👉Landed On Earth (9 m@y )
👉Single 😎👈
👉But Not Available👅👈
》▪Wish me On Oct 17😭
》▪Single Person☺
》▪Student Of pharmacy💊
》▪Pokemon Lover🌟
》▪Pizza Lover🍕
》▪Study obsessed📑
❄Mmy Says Beta No Race✖
➖It’s My Daý 18 Apřil🎂
❄Ishqholic 💗
➖ELECTRICal EnGineer👔
❄Single BuT Very HaPpY 😉
➖I Hate Smoking🚬
❄People Call Me Ishaqzaada😎
😎Sexy heartstroker💘
🎂Since 23rd Oct😎
👑I’m the king👑
💘In luv wid my family💘
🎶Punjabi lover🎶
#gym addit 🏋
#mechism ⚙
#Silent king ⚠
#Crush on DSLR💗
#Strictly no rules 🚭
#cool ☮
#Believer ✌
# Web & Android developer
# Tabla player
# Masti mood
# Enjoying life
# Live good feel good
# Work until you didn’t introduced by yourself
😘😘 First Cry 21/12 🔛
😘 Running Lover 🏃🏻
😍 Biggest fan of ShahRuk
🎱 pool player 🎱
🔝Bike Racer 🔝
● Home🏡 Town Noida🏠
● Fan Of Enrique 😎
● Proud Bong Boy👦
● Proud Be Single 🙄💘
● Photography📸
● Aries♈
● Food Lover🍤🍩🥟🌯
● Addiction To Dance
➖Be happy
➖Be calm
➖Be honest
➖Be faithfulnd BE Loving
➖Life is journey&I am traveler
➖Yahh im alcoholic for someone
➖Enjoying Zindgi…💜
Best Instagram Bio quotes for Boys
Motivational Instagram Bio for Boys
Work until your signature becomes an autograph.
Dream without fear, love without limits!
You don’t always need a plan. Because sometimes all you need is to take a long breath and let it go.
Do not give up. The beginning is always the hardest.
It is better to 💪 fight and fall 👎 down again!!! than living without hope 💔💔💔
Winning Isn’t Everything But Wanting To Win Is.
It isn’t History that creates Heroes. It’s Heroes that create History.
The man who has no imagination has no wings.
I am walking on the never-ending path of success.
The man who sees the world at the age of 50 the same as he did at 20 wasted his 30 years of life.
I’ve through the darkest and sleepless night to reach my brightest days.
I don’t wanna be anyone’s sun but I want to be that moon who makes one’s darkest nights bright.
A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it. A dumb person creates it.
Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
If your not wasted, the day is.
Every day brings an opportunity to do something legendary.
We all are a little broken but life won’t stop anyway.
My Father never taught me how to live. He lived, and let me watch him to do it.
Loneliness is another fear that will never let me down.
Live a life where happiness is a precondition.
The sky is Not the Limit the Mind is.
Do it with passion or leave it. Without passion, success is impossible.
Live for the moments you can’t put into words.
Regretting things won’t fix them back. So smile and shine.
If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal. And not to people or things.
Every day brings an opportunity to do something legendary.
Happy & Laugh Instagram Bio for Boys
Wherever I go and whenever I go, I just want to spread sparkling happiness around.
Laughing is the best medicine to make life better.
You make my heart smile.
It’s the little things in life.
Smile, it confuses people.
I make your heart laugh.
In every life, we have some trouble when you worry you make it double.
There are so many beautiful reasons to be happy.
Whatever you do in life, make sure it makes you happy.
You have every right to a beautiful life.
Be obsessively grateful.
Do more of what makes you happy.
Life Is Better When You’re Laughing
Whatever you do in life, make sure it makes you happy.
Life Is Better When You’re Laughing.
Laugh while you have teeth 😀
Laughing is the best medicine to make life better. Instagram Bio for men
Attitude Instagram Bio for Boys
Love me or hate me, either way, I’m gonna shine.
People will throw stones to u, don’t throw it back. Collect it and build an EMPIRE.
Stop being in the Rat Race and start living your life.
I never dreamed about the success I work for it.
I am, as I am; whether hideous or handsome, depends upon who is made judge.
The biggest competition is me. I am not looking to follow others or pull them down. I’m planning to test my own boundaries.
I don’t give a damn what people say about me. I like me the way I am, and who cares what other people say?
I am who I am, I am what I am, I do what I do and I ain’t never gonna do it any different.
I don’t care who likes it and who doesn’t.
I am not afraid… I was born to do this.
I am as bad as the worst, but, thank God, I am as good as the best.
Being myself is what got me to where I am.
Don’t ever follow me, because I am difficult. If you so then welcome.
I am what is mine. Personality is the original personal property.
Whenever I climb I am followed by a dog called ‘Ego’.
I’d rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not.
I think it’s cool to be smart, and I think it’s sexy to be smart.
I aspire to be an old man with an old wife laughing at old jokes from a wild youth.
I am in you and you in me, mutual in divine love.
Dear parents, Don’t worry about my future One day I will make you feel proud.
I’m not the kind of person who tries to be cool or trendy, I’m definitely an individual.
I am pretty happy with myself. I am not saying I am flawless, but I am content with the way I am.
I take a lot of pride in being myself. I’m comfortable with who I am.
Do you need more? Read here: 319 Best Attitude Captions for Instagram
Love me or hate me, either way, I’m gonna shine. Instagram bio for men
Love Instagram Bio for Boys
Wait for the person who will do anything to be your everything.
Love comprises of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.
Three things I want in a relationship: Eyes that won’t cry, lips that won’t lie, and love that won’t die.
The happiest moment I have ever found was that moment I discovered you loved me too.
Every time I see you I fall in love all over again.
Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.
Love is hastening gravitation of spirit towards spirit, body towards the body in the joy of creation.
Love is a medicine that can neutralize even a poisoned heart.
Needs can be satiated but greed cannot. Love can be satiated but lust cannot.
Don’t you believe in love? Maybe we have not met yet!
Wait for the person who will do anything to be your everything.
Funny Instagram Bio for Boys
Everyone on this earth is self-centered, the difference is the radius.
I’m not special, I’m just limited edition.
I am a combo of sweet and spice.
Life always offers you a second chance. It’s called tomorrow.
He was my shadow and was always with me but then arrived the darkness.
Even math has some problems with it then how can you expect your life to not be problematic?
An apple a day keeps the doctor away, but if the doctor is cute forget the fruit.
I need a six month holiday, twice a year.
I’m not failed; my success is just postponed.
Too busy to be upset.
Decency is my jewel.
In a relationship? Nah! I am in a flirtationship.
I’m in desperate need of a 6-month vacation…twice a year
Instagram Bio for Guys to Get Followers
Join my journey by hitting the follow button.
You need to press that follow button to know my story.
Like what you see? Then follow our page!
Click the follow button to be part of my [adjective] journey.
Let’s create history together! Follow me.
Wanna know my story? Press that follow button.
Follow me to get a behind the scenes look at my life.
Confused what to do? Click the follow button!
I’m on my journey. Join me by following along.
Follow Me To Greatness.
If you follow me you will become my follower and I’ve become leader.
Follow me then follow the link below!
Follow me to glory!
Follow me and I’ll follow back.
Pls follow us on Instagram.
Don’t know what to do? You can start by hitting that follow button.
Follow along to witness history in the making.
Follow my [adjective] story.
My story will inspire you so be sure to hit that follow button.
Kindly follow us on Instagram.
Travel Instagram Bio for Boys
Check these Instagram bio ideas for traveling:
Traveling the world lets me discover myself.
Wanderlust – a strong desire to travel.
Jobs fill your pocket. Adventures fill your soul.
I haven’t been there yet but it’s on my list.
Work hard, travel harder.
I like taking the scenic route.
Fill your life with experiences so you always have a great story to tell.
All I need is Vitamin Sea 🌊
Travel far enough you meet yourself.
I catch flights, not feelings.
Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.
Life is short and the world is wide.
Join me on my next adventure!
I might not know who I am but I know where I want to be. Right here in paradise.
Take advantage of every opportunity you get because some things only happen once in a lifetime.
Great things never came from comfort zones.
Once a year go someplace you’ve never been before.
My best stories are found within the pages of my passport.
Finding paradise wherever I go.
Keep calm and travel on.
One life. One world. Explore it.
I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list.
It’s about the journey, not the destination.
Born to explore the world.
It’s about the journey, not the destination.
Instagram Bio for Boys with Friends
A true friend is who overlooks your failures and appreciates your success.
A journey is best measured in friends rather than miles.
Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave and impossible to forget.
Best friend: one million memories, ten thousand inside jokes, one hundred shared secrets.
Unexpected friendships are the best ones.
Good vibes. Good friends. Good times.
Best friends are the people in your life that make you laugh louder, smile brighter, and live better.
F.R.I.E.N.D.S: Fight for you. Respect you. Include you. Encourage you. Need you. Deserve you. Stand by you.
Good friends are like Stars. You don’t always see them but you know they will be with you forever.
Friendship isn’t about whom you have known the longest. It’s about who came, and never left your side.
Love is beautiful, friendship is better.
Friends knock on the door. Best friends walk into your house and start eating.
Never choose the one who always keeps you happy but chooses the one who never let you cry.
Life would suck without friends and adventure.
It’s not how many friends you can count, it’s how many of those you can count on.
Best Friends make the good times better and bad times easier.
Friendship isn’t a big thing. It’s millions of small things.
Friendship is about finding people who are your kind of crazy.
Friendship isn’t a big thing. It’s millions of small things.
Short Instagram Bio quotes for Guys
Sometimes less is more. Use something short and simple in your Instagram bio!
I am a Day-Dreamer and Night-Thinker.
Nobody is too busy; it’s just a matter of priorities.
You hate me of Love me, but still, I will be on the top of your search list.
Sometimes, it better to be alone. No one can hurt you.
Don’t just go with the flow. Be the flow and deal with it.
Remember, Quotes don’t work, unless you do.
I only know that I know nothing.
They are born to express, not to impress.
One good girl is worth a thousand bitches.
Love comprises of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.
Darkness exists to make the Light honestly.
Invest in yourself before anything. It will earn you good returns.
Kill them with success. Bury them with smiles.
There are times when music is the only medicine the heart and soul.
The man who has no Imaginations has no Wings.
I tried to follow the best account. But it says “Edit Profile.”
A didn’t lose a follower. A follower lost me.
Just because I can’t sing she doesn’t mean I won’t sing.
Do not give up. The beginning is always the hardest.
History is written by Survivors.
Fashion is what you buy. The style is what you do with it.
I will start from zero. But soon I will be a Hero.
Reality is wrong. The dream is real.
A Teacher is like a Candle. It consumes itself to light others.
“I am not getting old. I’m getting better.”
Little by little one Walk Far!
Better days are coming. They are on Saturday and Sunday.
I am single because I am saving myself for someone who deserves me.
Dear problems, please give me some discounts. I am a regular.
Maybe if I keep my distance, you will start missing me.
It isn’t History that creates Heroes. It’s Heroes that create History.
Must read: 335 Best Short Instagram Captions
Savage Instagram Bio for Boys
My craziness is not everyone’s cup of tea.
I am free of all prejudices. I hate everyone equally.
My attitude is my approach.
Remember half the people you know are below average.
The monster is running wild inside of me
Hatred is another weapon that I am not trained to use.
And if you’re the force that can break my heart and ruin myself, I won’t ever let you enter in my small world.
Spreading love and happiness won’t be an uneasy task anyway.
I am another precious stone whose importance is yet not discovered.
I am no one to harm you. I’ll let karma fuck you.
Sometimes, Violence is the only way to peace.
I don’t care about your opinion.
Sarcasm falls out of my mouth, just like stupid falls from yours
Instagram bio copy and paste
💯Official account🔐
😘Music lover🎶
⚽Sports lover⛳
😍Sports bike lover
💰ßig Dreamer
😭Cry the 1 st time in my life #25/11/99#
📌Hate me or Date me
🍟 foody
😉U will find a boy better than me but U don’t find boy like me😃
🎂1st Jan👻
💪Gym lvr💪
😊Flirty Boy😊
🎸Guitar lover🎸
😎CA student😎
🍲Food Lover
No Bike 🛵
No Car 🚙
No IPhone 📵
No Girlfriend ❌
No Money 📂
But I’m Still Happy 😊
👉Future civil engineer
👉Born on 8th July🎂
👉Music lover🎶
👉Love to life enjoy with best buddies👬
👉Love to travelling🚘
#You_Are_My_Favorite_Pain😇 💑
Life doesn’t always give u a second chance🤗💞💙
U never get a second chance to create the first impression😊💛💚💜
So make ur first chance count☺️💝💖❤️
😎MR. perfect😎
👑Royal entry on 9 july🎂
🙏Respect girls🙏
💝Music lover🎶
😎Bindas chora😎
😊cute kamina😉
😎No gf Q ki abhi ma to ma chota hu na😋
😋LoGin In WoRld_30/Dec
☣ Ôwņ ŘúĽÊś ☠
🎧Muѕíc Addíctєd…
💓Hak Sє Sínglє…
❌ ȚřÛśť 🚫
😍 love➡🏍🚘🎧
🍁Flirty munda🍁
🎩Style me no limit👟
》 22/7 🎂
》 Mech. engineer 😍
》 Music lover 🎧🎸
》 Love 2 ride 🏍
❤I Don’t Know Why I Like You
💋The Heart That Seeks An Answer
💋Has Only Lost It’s Way
💋Over And Over Again I Like You
💋I Love You My heart❤
👫 Mom + Dad
👉 My World 💖
💪 Champion 🏆
🎶 Music Lover 🎶
😘 lv My Friends 💝
💙 Girls were Respect ☺
Singal 100%
Intelligent 90%
Believe in luck 80%
FB Star 70%
Insta Export 60%
Bike Rider 50%
Stylish 40%
Loving 30%
Smart 20%
Sad 10%
↔B’DAY COME ON 12/10🎂
😎Creation of God🌟
👍LoGin In The World 29August🎂
1st cry on 19 December..🙂
I want vitamin “U”😋
If children get love from their family 👪
They will never go out in search of love 🙂
Sweet is my smile ,unique is my style
Bindass life , no attitude
I m not a gud boy but i hv a world’s sweetest person
I’m a king only4my #Queen
🔶mY FiRst cUrSh iS My mOm..👩
🔶 FiRsT SuPeRhErO iS mY FaTheR.💪
🔶LOgIn iN eArTh oN 17 SeP🎂
❌NOBODY can “AFFORD” me😈
😘LiFe GiVeS Me UnliMiTeD HapPiNesS
😜GuJJu BoY
↪💟 Single 💟
↪Mom first kiss on 21st jun
↪🔶I Don’t Care About Popularity🙌
↪🔷Based On Originality💯
↪😂I’m Happy..Bitches Hate that🖕😈
#Photo Freak📷
#Music Lover🎧
#Basketball Player🏀
#Pool Player🎱
#Cake Murder 8 July🎂
#Still Single!!🙏
💗 My family
🎂 March 🎂
📚 CA-stud (final) 📖
🏃 Crazy ⁴ dance
🏇 Chess player
👤 Hero 👉DaD
🙌 Twenty ✌🏃
😘 crush 👉 Shirley Setia 😍
⏺F O O T B A L L _ P L A Y E R 💯
⏺ Forever_Motto😘
👉Professional Dance choreographer💃
👉Wish me on 9 nov🎂🎁
👉Trance lover😎
👉First love guitar🎸
👉All time music🎧🎸with happiness. ..😊
#👉Landed on🌎👉10 Feb🎂
# 🎓Student
#👉Back Bancher
#🎸Music Lover
#🍴Food Fantic
#✌Party Animal
#👓Desi Munda
❤Don’t love too soon*😉
❤Don’t trust too fast*
❤Don’t expect too high*
❤Because it hurts😏
👉Marwadi Choro 👈
👉Landed On Earth (9 m@y )
👉Single 😎👈
👉But Not Available👅👈
》▪Wish me On Oct 17😭
》▪Single Person☺
》▪Student Of pharmacy💊
》▪Pokemon Lover🌟
》▪Pizza Lover🍕
》▪Study obsessed📑
❄Mmy Says Beta No Race✖
➖It’s My Daý 18 Apřil🎂
❄Ishqholic 💗
➖ELECTRICal EnGineer👔
❄Single BuT Very HaPpY 😉
➖I Hate Smoking🚬
❄People Call Me Ishaqzaada😎
😎Sexy heartstroker💘
🎂Since 23rd Oct😎
👑I’m the king👑
💘In luv wid my family💘
🎶Punjabi lover🎶
#gym addit 🏋
#mechism ⚙
#Silent king ⚠
#Crush on DSLR💗
#Strictly no rules 🚭
#cool ☮
#Believer ✌
Motivational Instagram Bio for Boys
Work until your signature becomes an autograph.
Dream without fear, love without limits!
You don’t always need a plan. Because sometimes all you need is to take a long breath and let it go.
Do not give up. The beginning is always the hardest.
It is better to 💪 fight and fall 👎 down again!!! than living without hope 💔💔💔
Winning Isn’t Everything But Wanting To Win Is.
It isn’t History that creates Heroes. It’s Heroes that create History.
The man who has no imagination has no wings.
I am walking on the never-ending path of success.
The man who sees the world at the age of 50 the same as he did at 20 wasted his 30 years of life.
I’ve through the darkest and sleepless night to reach my brightest days.
I don’t wanna be anyone’s sun but I want to be that moon who makes one’s darkest nights bright.
A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it. A dumb person creates it.
Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
If your not wasted, the day is.
Every day brings an opportunity to do something legendary.
We all are a little broken but life won’t stop anyway.
My Father never taught me how to live. He lived, and let me watch him to do it.
Loneliness is another fear that will never let me down.
Live a life where happiness is a precondition.
The sky is Not the Limit the Mind is.
Do it with passion or leave it. Without passion, success is impossible.
Live for the moments you can’t put into words.
Regretting things won’t fix them back. So smile and shine.
If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal. And not to people or things.
Every day brings an opportunity to do something legendary.
Happy & Laugh Instagram Bio for Boys
Wherever I go and whenever I go, I just want to spread sparkling happiness around.
Laughing is the best medicine to make life better.
You make my heart smile.
It’s the little things in life.
Smile, it confuses people.
I make your heart laugh.
In every life, we have some trouble when you worry you make it double.
There are so many beautiful reasons to be happy.
Whatever you do in life, make sure it makes you happy.
You have every right to a beautiful life.
Be obsessively grateful.
Do more of what makes you happy.
Life Is Better When You’re Laughing
Whatever you do in life, make sure it makes you happy.
Life Is Better When You’re Laughing.
Laugh while you have teeth 😀
Laughing is the best medicine to make life better. Instagram Bio for men
Attitude Instagram Bio for Boys
Love me or hate me, either way, I’m gonna shine.
People will throw stones to u, don’t throw it back. Collect it and build an EMPIRE.
Stop being in the Rat Race and start living your life.
I never dreamed about the success I work for it.
I am, as I am; whether hideous or handsome, depends upon who is made judge.
The biggest competition is me. I am not looking to follow others or pull them down. I’m planning to test my own boundaries.
I don’t give a damn what people say about me. I like me the way I am, and who cares what other people say?
I am who I am, I am what I am, I do what I do and I ain’t never gonna do it any different.
I don’t care who likes it and who doesn’t.
I am not afraid… I was born to do this.
I am as bad as the worst, but, thank God, I am as good as the best.
Being myself is what got me to where I am.
Don’t ever follow me, because I am difficult. If you so then welcome.
I am what is mine. Personality is the original personal property.
Whenever I climb I am followed by a dog called ‘Ego’.
I’d rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not.
I think it’s cool to be smart, and I think it’s sexy to be smart.
I aspire to be an old man with an old wife laughing at old jokes from a wild youth.
I am in you and you in me, mutual in divine love.
Dear parents, Don’t worry about my future One day I will make you feel proud.
I’m not the kind of person who tries to be cool or trendy, I’m definitely an individual.
I am pretty happy with myself. I am not saying I am flawless, but I am content with the way I am.
I take a lot of pride in being myself. I’m comfortable with who I am.
Do you need more? Read here: 319 Best Attitude Captions for Instagram
Love me or hate me, either way, I’m gonna shine. Instagram bio for men
Love Instagram Bio for Boys
Wait for the person who will do anything to be your everything.
Love comprises of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.
Three things I want in a relationship: Eyes that won’t cry, lips that won’t lie, and love that won’t die.
The happiest moment I have ever found was that moment I discovered you loved me too.
Every time I see you I fall in love all over again.
Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.
Love is hastening gravitation of spirit towards spirit, body towards the body in the joy of creation.
Love is a medicine that can neutralize even a poisoned heart.
Needs can be satiated but greed cannot. Love can be satiated but lust cannot.
Don’t you believe in love? Maybe we have not met yet!
Wait for the person who will do anything to be your everything.
Funny Instagram Bio for Boys
Everyone on this earth is self-centered, the difference is the radius.
I’m not special, I’m just limited edition.
I am a combo of sweet and spice.
Life always offers you a second chance. It’s called tomorrow.
He was my shadow and was always with me but then arrived the darkness.
Even math has some problems with it then how can you expect your life to not be problematic?
An apple a day keeps the doctor away, but if the doctor is cute forget the fruit.
I need a six month holiday, twice a year.
I’m not failed; my success is just postponed.
Too busy to be upset.
Decency is my jewel.
In a relationship? Nah! I am in a flirtationship.
I’m in desperate need of a 6-month vacation…twice a year
Instagram Bio for Guys to Get Followers
Join my journey by hitting the follow button.
You need to press that follow button to know my story.
Like what you see? Then follow our page!
Click the follow button to be part of my [adjective] journey.
Let’s create history together! Follow me.
Wanna know my story? Press that follow button.
Follow me to get a behind the scenes look at my life.
Confused what to do? Click the follow button!
I’m on my journey. Join me by following along.
Follow Me To Greatness.
If you follow me you will become my follower and I’ve become leader.
Follow me then follow the link below!
Follow me to glory!
Follow me and I’ll follow back.
Pls follow us on Instagram.
Don’t know what to do? You can start by hitting that follow button.
Follow along to witness history in the making.
Follow my [adjective] story.
My story will inspire you so be sure to hit that follow button.
Kindly follow us on Instagram.
Travel Instagram Bio for Boys
Check these Instagram bio ideas for traveling:
Traveling the world lets me discover myself.
Wanderlust – a strong desire to travel.
Jobs fill your pocket. Adventures fill your soul.
I haven’t been there yet but it’s on my list.
Work hard, travel harder.
I like taking the scenic route.
Fill your life with experiences so you always have a great story to tell.
All I need is Vitamin Sea 🌊
Travel far enough you meet yourself.
I catch flights, not feelings.
Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.
Life is short and the world is wide.
Join me on my next adventure!
I might not know who I am but I know where I want to be. Right here in paradise.
Take advantage of every opportunity you get because some things only happen once in a lifetime.
Great things never came from comfort zones.
Once a year go someplace you’ve never been before.
My best stories are found within the pages of my passport.
Finding paradise wherever I go.
Keep calm and travel on.
One life. One world. Explore it.
I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list.
It’s about the journey, not the destination.
Born to explore the world.
It’s about the journey, not the destination.
Instagram Bio for Boys with Friends
A true friend is who overlooks your failures and appreciates your success.
A journey is best measured in friends rather than miles.
Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave and impossible to forget.
Best friend: one million memories, ten thousand inside jokes, one hundred shared secrets.
Unexpected friendships are the best ones.
Good vibes. Good friends. Good times.
Best friends are the people in your life that make you laugh louder, smile brighter, and live better.
F.R.I.E.N.D.S: Fight for you. Respect you. Include you. Encourage you. Need you. Deserve you. Stand by you.
Good friends are like Stars. You don’t always see them but you know they will be with you forever.
Friendship isn’t about whom you have known the longest. It’s about who came, and never left your side.
Love is beautiful, friendship is better.
Friends knock on the door. Best friends walk into your house and start eating.
Never choose the one who always keeps you happy but chooses the one who never let you cry.
Life would suck without friends and adventure.
It’s not how many friends you can count, it’s how many of those you can count on.
Best Friends make the good times better and bad times easier.
Friendship isn’t a big thing. It’s millions of small things.
Friendship is about finding people who are your kind of crazy.
Friendship isn’t a big thing. It’s millions of small things.
Short Instagram Bio quotes for Guys
Sometimes less is more. Use something short and simple in your Instagram bio!
I am a Day-Dreamer and Night-Thinker.
Nobody is too busy; it’s just a matter of priorities.
You hate me of Love me, but still, I will be on the top of your search list.
Sometimes, it better to be alone. No one can hurt you.
Don’t just go with the flow. Be the flow and deal with it.
Remember, Quotes don’t work, unless you do.
I only know that I know nothing.
They are born to express, not to impress.
One good girl is worth a thousand bitches.
Love comprises of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.
Darkness exists to make the Light honestly.
Invest in yourself before anything. It will earn you good returns.
Kill them with success. Bury them with smiles.
There are times when music is the only medicine the heart and soul.
The man who has no Imaginations has no Wings.
I tried to follow the best account. But it says “Edit Profile.”
A didn’t lose a follower. A follower lost me.
Just because I can’t sing she doesn’t mean I won’t sing.
Do not give up. The beginning is always the hardest.
History is written by Survivors.
Fashion is what you buy. The style is what you do with it.
I will start from zero. But soon I will be a Hero.
Reality is wrong. The dream is real.
A Teacher is like a Candle. It consumes itself to light others.
“I am not getting old. I’m getting better.”
Little by little one Walk Far!
Better days are coming. They are on Saturday and Sunday.
I am single because I am saving myself for someone who deserves me.
Dear problems, please give me some discounts. I am a regular.
Maybe if I keep my distance, you will start missing me.
It isn’t History that creates Heroes. It’s Heroes that create History.
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