Good Night Quotes in English For a Good Night Sleep { : )
Good Night English Quotes For Whatsapp & FB Status
Sweet dreams and a most beautiful good night!
If you want a perfect collection of wise words before bed, we want to help you get your best night’s sleep ever from this day forth! These good night sweet dreams quotes are just what you need to send you to sleep in the perfect way. Ending your day with wise words is guaranteed to put you on the right path when you open your eyes once more.
Good Night Quotes For The Best Sleep Of Your Life
Enjoy them with a smile on your face and a happy heart before drifting off to sleep. Enjoy!
Good Night English Quotes For Whatsapp & FB Status
Goodnight quotes for letting the day go
1. “Before you go to sleep, do not forget to say thanks for everything good that has happened to you in the last 24 hours. I am thankful at the moment for you.” – Unknown
Goodnight Quotes on being thankful
2. “Never let the darkness or negativity outside affect your inner self. Just wait until morning comes and the bright light will drown out the darkness. Today has been difficult, but tomorrow will be another day.” – Unknown
wise Goodnight Quotes
3. “Nighttime can seem longer than the day when you dream big dreams. Daytime lasts longer for people who make their dreams come true.” – Unknown
powerful Goodnight Quotes
4. “Make sure to be thankful before bed. What you think about now will determine the state of your dreams.” – Unknown
Goodnight Quotes to uplift you
5. “She wanted none of those days to end, and it was always with disappointment that she watched the darkness stride forward.” – Unknown
inspirational Goodnight Quotes
6. “Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it be morrow.” – William Shakespeare
Goodnight Quotes to inspire
7. “The night breeze is blowing through my hair and the soft touch reminds me of your kisses. I wish I didn’t have to miss you this much.” – Unknown
Goodnight Quotes on missing someone
8. “Although I love the stars that dot the night sky, I love the stars in your eyes even more. While I sleep, I will think about my favorite stars and wait to be with you again.” – Unknown
Goodnight Quotes about the stars
9. “My idea of a good night has always been having a lovely meal and a proper conversation.” – Kirsty Gallacher
Goodnight Quotes about sweet dreams
10. “Do not go gentle into that good night but rage, rage against the dying of the light.” – Dylan Thomas
sweet Goodnight Quotes
11. “All I wish is that the nights when we are together would never end. When we are apart, I cannot bear it. Good night, my love.” – Unknown
Good Night Quotes
12. “Sleep, my Bella, dream happy dreams, you are the only one who has ever touched my heart, it will forever be yours.” – Edward Cullen
Good Night Quotes about dreams
13. “The longest way must have its close – the gloomiest night will wear on to a morning.” – Harriet Beecher Stowe
Good Night Quotes
14. “While you dream, I wish that each hope and goal comes true. I just want you to receive everything that you have wished for.” – Unknown
Good Night Quotes about hope
15. “Music is love, love is music, music is life, and I love my life. Thank you and good night.” – A. J. McLean
Good Night Quotes about life
16. “The sun is upset now, but the moon dances in joy. Although the sun is depressed at seeing you go, the moon gets to enjoy the whole night with you.” – Unknown
Good Night Quotes about enjoying the night
Also check out these insomnia quotes for when you can’t sleep.
Funny Good Night Quotes
17. “There is something that is big, warm and fuzzy. Before you get too many ideas, you should know that it is a good night hug sent from me to you!” – Unknown
Good Night Quotes to bring joy
18. “I think the best way to get a good night sleep is to work hard throughout the day. If you work hard and, of course, work out.” – William H. McRaven
Good Night
19. “I prioritize in life. I like to work, I do TV shows, I do a lot of Iron Man training. I enjoy kicking back on a good night and drinking wine until I go to bed, and having fun with my friends. You just have to make time for it and keep it balanced.” – Joe Bastianich
20. “Tonight, I would walk a thousand miles just to be with you. Missing you, my love.” – Unknown
night quotes
21. “They say that God sprinkles his blessings upon the earth every day and I think I have caught one—it’s you! Wishing you a good night and I love you.” – Unknown
good night sweet dreams
22. “Thank God for everything good that has happened during the day and wish everyone else a good night. Afterward, take a deep breath and sleep tight while dreaming of me. Sweet dreams.” –
good night love quotes
23. “I like the night. Without the dark, we’d never see the stars.” – Stephenie Meyer – Twilight
sweet dreams quotes
24. “That’s the advantage of insomnia. People who go to be early always complain that the night is too short, but for those of us who stay up all night, it can feel as long as a lifetime. You get a lot done.” – Banana Yoshimoto
sweet dreams quotes
25. “I was walking along and this chair came flying past me, and another, and another, and I thought, man, is this gonna be a good night.” – Liam Gallagher
good night quotes for her
26. “I just want to say, good night, sweet prince, may flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.” – Harry Dean Stanton
good night quotes for him
27. “Sometimes I’m so tired, I look down at what I’m wearing, and if it’s comfortable enough to sleep in, I don’t even make it into my pajamas. I’m looking down, and I’m like, ‘t-shirt and stretchy pants? Yup, that’s fine. It’s pajama-y, good night’.”- Rebecca Romijn
night love quotes
28. “A day is going to end again. It is nice to have a friend like you. Making my everyday seems so great. Thank you my friend lastly. Good Night and Sweet Dreams.” – Unknown
good night quotes for girlfriend
29. “Here is a short line to keep in touch because you’re always on my mind very much.” – Unknown
inspirational good night quotes
30. “Love is one of the simplest feelings. All I dream about is capturing your heart each night. You already have my heart.” – Unknown
cute good night quotes
31. “Some nights are made for torture, or reflection, or the savoring of loneliness.” – Poppy Z. Brite
32. “I love the silent hour of night, for blissful dreams may then arise, Revealing to my charmed sight – What may not bless my waking eyes.” – Anne Brontë
33. “God’s guidance is like a small lamp in a dark forest… Doesn’t show everything at once… But gives enough light for the next step to be safe. Goodnight!” – Unknown
34. “Here is to hoping that angels will guard you while you dream and the gentle breezes of the night will keep you cool. If it is too cold, may your blankets be warm as you drift on to a gentle rest.” – Unknown
Good Night Quotes for Friends and Family
35. The sky grew darker, painted blue on blue, one stroke at a time, into deeper and deeper shades of night.” – Haruki Murakami
36. “Touch your heart and shut your eyes, dream sweet dreams and sleep tight.” – Unknown
37. “Each day I wish that my dreams will come true. Then I remember that I am now with you.” – Unknown
38. “It was the possibility of darkness that made the day seem so bright.” – Stephen King
39. “The stars and moon arrive just to wish you a good night. Let the light of the moon guide your dreams as you pass the night away.” – Unknown
40. “No matter how far away you are, you will always be in my thoughts. Each day that we are together is the best day of my life.” – Unknown
41. “Melancholy were the sounds on a winter’s night.” – Virginia Woolf
42. “There may be a billion yesterdays and a trillion tomorrows, but there is only ever one today. I would never let one day pass without letting you know that I am thinking of you.” – Unknown
43. “Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.” – Edgar Allan Poe
44. “All I wish a sheet of clouds for your bed and bright crystals for the stars. While you sleep, may the angels play sweet songs that bring you bright dreams.” – Unknown
45. “The day is busy enough to keep me occupied. In the quiet of the night, I begin to really miss you.” – Unknown
46. “Life begins at night.” – Charlaine Harris, Dead Until Dark
47. “Each night, I hope that the moon is large and bright and you will be happy and right. When you turn off the light, keep in mind that I am dreaming of you.” – Unknown
48. “Night is longer than day for those who DREAM, and day is longer than night for those who make their DREAMS come true.” – Unknown
49. “Each hour is crawling by like years. I cannot wait to be in your arms yet again.” – Unknown
50. “Night falls. Or has fallen. Why is it that night falls, instead of rising, like the dawn? Yet if you look east, at sunset, you can see night rising, not falling; darkness lifting into the sky, up from the horizon, like a black sun behind cloud cover. Like smoke from an unseen fire, a line of fire just below the horizon, brushfire or a burning city. Maybe night falls because it’s heavy, a thick curtain pulled up over the eyes. Wool blanket.” – Margaret Atwood
51. “Good night, and good luck.” – Edward R. Murrow
Good Night Quotes About Wishes
52. “Good night my dearest love and have pleasant dreams. Here’s to the hope that tomorrow will be as sunny and bright as you are.” – Unknown
53. “Brings you dreams of castles in the air and big goals for the future. Rest tonight and allow dreams of the future to wash over your mind.” – Unknown
54. “As the moonlight dims and the world goes quiet, give yourself some rest. Here’s to hoping that your sleep is as sweet as you are.” – Unknown
55. “Here is to wishing that your mind will rest in sweet serenity while the nighttime passes by.” – Unknown
56. “If I give you my heart, will you promise not to break it? Wishing you were here.” – Unknown
57. “All I do each day is wait to be with you again. My entire day revolves around the hope that I can spend my evenings in your arms again.” – Unknown
58. “Take a breath and gaze up at the stars. See the two brightest stars? Those are my eyes twinkling back at you.” – Unknown
59. “May I kiss you then? On this miserable paper? I might as well open the window and kiss the night air.” – Franz Kafka
60. “Disappointment always arrives before hope and the darkness of night comes before the dawn. Don’t lose hope now because things will brighter with the new day.” – Unknown
61. “Sleep is such a luxury, which I can’t afford (suffering from Insomnia).” – Robin Sika war
62. “Each night, when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn.” – Mahatma Gandhi
63. “All I wish that I could be there to say goodnight instead of sending you this message.” – Unknown
64. “Take a look out your window now. Although we may be apart at the moment, we can both gaze up at the same moon.” – Unknown
Good night quotes to end the day on a positive note
65. “A good night in is a series of documentaries.” – Elizabeth Debicki
66. “Day is over, night has come. Today is gone, what’s done is done. Embrace your dreams, through the night. Tomorrow comes with a whole new light.” – Unknown
67. “This is the end of the day, but soon there will be a new day.” – Bernard Williams
68. “The best bridge between despair and hope is a good night’s sleep.” – E. Joseph Cossman
69. “Think of all the good moments of this day and keep a smile for tomorrow! Good night!” – Unknown
70. “Night is the wonderful opportunity to take rest, to forgive, to smile, to get ready for all the battles that you have to fight tomorrow.” – Allen Ginsberg
71. “I promise to be the warrior who fights all your nightmares and the messenger who brings all your sweet dreams. Good night.” – Unknown
72. “Night is to see the dreams and day is to make them true. So its good to sleep now and see the dreams. Good night, sweet dreams!” – Unknown
73. “Your bed is ready to give you a hug, you should be ready to have a rest, and say goodbye to all the stress. Good night!” – Unknown
Good night quotes to make them smile
74. “Always end the day with a positive thought. No matter how hard things were, tomorrow’s a fresh opportunity to make it better.” – Harry Dean Stanton
75. “Don’t worry about tomorrow, because God’s already been there.” – Unknown
76. “Forget about your troubles and let the sweetness of this lovely night lull you to a blissful sleep. Tomorrow is a new beginning. Good night.” – Unknown
77. “Listen to the nightsky, the Mockingbird always sing you my lullaby.” ― Jmemo
78. “Lay your head down and go to sleep. Think good thoughts and begin to dream.” – Unknown
79. “Goodnight, goodnight. The time has come to close your eyes. Everything needs rest to be their best. Tomorrow will be here in the blink of an eye and a shake of a dog’s tail.” – Unknown
80. “The moon embalms me with her love and she kisses me good night. The nightingale sings her song of love when I take rest in the arms of darkness in the night!” ― Avijeet Das
81. “Slow down your thoughts. Focus on your breaths. Get rid of the clutter in your mind. Prepare your mind and body for rest. It is time to go to sleep and wake up refreshed and rejuvenated in the morning.” – Unknown
Beautiful good night quotes
82. “If someone wishes you goodnight every day, you’re happier than so many people.” – Unknown
83. “My idea of a good night out is staying in.” – Martin Freeman
84. “May you dream of lovely things and to find them real.” – Unknown
85. “Let go of every trouble that bothers your heart and mind tonight, and you shall wake up feeling refreshed tomorrow. Good night.” – Unknown
86. “Goodnight. Sleep awaits those of us who dare to dream.” – Anthony T. Hincks
87. “As you go to bed tonight, sleep with the knowledge that God sees your plights and hears your cries, and in due time will grant you the desires of your heart. Good night.” – Unknown
88. “Star light, star bright, you are the 1st and last I think of tonight. Goodnight, my true love.” – Unknown
89. “Goodnight. Let the stars light the way to where your dreams can be found awaiting your arrival.” – Anthony T. Hincks
90. “Goodnight, moon. Goodnight, stars. Goodnight, closet. Goodnight, clothes. Goodnight, TV. Goodnight, kitchen. Goodnight, book on my nightstand. Goodnight, everyone and everything everywhere.” – Unknown
Good night quotes to bring positive thoughts
91. “Positive thoughts breed a positive life, so close your eyes hoping for a brighter future. Have a blessed good night sleep and sweet dreams!” – Unknown
92. “As the night gets dark, let your worries fade. Sleep peacefully knowing you’ve done all you can do for today.” – Roald Dahl
93. “Let the sheep jump over the moon as you count them until your eyes close shut, knowing tomorrow is filled with adventure.” – Unknown
94. “Tomorrow is a new day and a new start to make things the best they can be! Let someone know what they mean to you! Goodnight!” – Unknown
95. “The sea will grant each man new hope, and sleep will bring dreams of home.” – Christopher Columbus
96. “A good night sleep and beautiful dream are the best things to charm your tomorrow.” – Unknown
97. “Before you fall asleep every day, say something positive to yourself.” – Enid Bagnold
98. “Only a peaceful good night sleep can help you to start afresh tomorrow with new positive energy.” – Unknown
99. “Let your mind weave into your subconscious. Your dreams will be filled with the beautiful castles your mind creates.” – Unknown
100. “The night is more alive and more richly colored than the day.” – Vincent van Gogh
Good Night English Quotes For Whatsapp & FB Status
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Good Night English Quotes For Whatsapp |
Sweet dreams and a most beautiful good night!
If you want a perfect collection of wise words before bed, we want to help you get your best night’s sleep ever from this day forth! These good night sweet dreams quotes are just what you need to send you to sleep in the perfect way. Ending your day with wise words is guaranteed to put you on the right path when you open your eyes once more.
Good Night Quotes For The Best Sleep Of Your Life
Enjoy them with a smile on your face and a happy heart before drifting off to sleep. Enjoy!
Good Night English Quotes For Whatsapp & FB Status
Goodnight quotes for letting the day go
1. “Before you go to sleep, do not forget to say thanks for everything good that has happened to you in the last 24 hours. I am thankful at the moment for you.” – Unknown
Goodnight Quotes on being thankful
2. “Never let the darkness or negativity outside affect your inner self. Just wait until morning comes and the bright light will drown out the darkness. Today has been difficult, but tomorrow will be another day.” – Unknown
wise Goodnight Quotes
3. “Nighttime can seem longer than the day when you dream big dreams. Daytime lasts longer for people who make their dreams come true.” – Unknown
powerful Goodnight Quotes
4. “Make sure to be thankful before bed. What you think about now will determine the state of your dreams.” – Unknown
Goodnight Quotes to uplift you
5. “She wanted none of those days to end, and it was always with disappointment that she watched the darkness stride forward.” – Unknown
inspirational Goodnight Quotes
6. “Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it be morrow.” – William Shakespeare
Goodnight Quotes to inspire
7. “The night breeze is blowing through my hair and the soft touch reminds me of your kisses. I wish I didn’t have to miss you this much.” – Unknown
Goodnight Quotes on missing someone
8. “Although I love the stars that dot the night sky, I love the stars in your eyes even more. While I sleep, I will think about my favorite stars and wait to be with you again.” – Unknown
Goodnight Quotes about the stars
9. “My idea of a good night has always been having a lovely meal and a proper conversation.” – Kirsty Gallacher
Goodnight Quotes about sweet dreams
10. “Do not go gentle into that good night but rage, rage against the dying of the light.” – Dylan Thomas
sweet Goodnight Quotes
11. “All I wish is that the nights when we are together would never end. When we are apart, I cannot bear it. Good night, my love.” – Unknown
Good Night Quotes
12. “Sleep, my Bella, dream happy dreams, you are the only one who has ever touched my heart, it will forever be yours.” – Edward Cullen
Good Night Quotes about dreams
13. “The longest way must have its close – the gloomiest night will wear on to a morning.” – Harriet Beecher Stowe
Good Night Quotes
14. “While you dream, I wish that each hope and goal comes true. I just want you to receive everything that you have wished for.” – Unknown
Good Night Quotes about hope
15. “Music is love, love is music, music is life, and I love my life. Thank you and good night.” – A. J. McLean
Good Night Quotes about life
16. “The sun is upset now, but the moon dances in joy. Although the sun is depressed at seeing you go, the moon gets to enjoy the whole night with you.” – Unknown
Good Night Quotes about enjoying the night
Also check out these insomnia quotes for when you can’t sleep.
Funny Good Night Quotes
17. “There is something that is big, warm and fuzzy. Before you get too many ideas, you should know that it is a good night hug sent from me to you!” – Unknown
Good Night Quotes to bring joy
18. “I think the best way to get a good night sleep is to work hard throughout the day. If you work hard and, of course, work out.” – William H. McRaven
Good Night
19. “I prioritize in life. I like to work, I do TV shows, I do a lot of Iron Man training. I enjoy kicking back on a good night and drinking wine until I go to bed, and having fun with my friends. You just have to make time for it and keep it balanced.” – Joe Bastianich
20. “Tonight, I would walk a thousand miles just to be with you. Missing you, my love.” – Unknown
night quotes
21. “They say that God sprinkles his blessings upon the earth every day and I think I have caught one—it’s you! Wishing you a good night and I love you.” – Unknown
good night sweet dreams
22. “Thank God for everything good that has happened during the day and wish everyone else a good night. Afterward, take a deep breath and sleep tight while dreaming of me. Sweet dreams.” –
good night love quotes
23. “I like the night. Without the dark, we’d never see the stars.” – Stephenie Meyer – Twilight
sweet dreams quotes
24. “That’s the advantage of insomnia. People who go to be early always complain that the night is too short, but for those of us who stay up all night, it can feel as long as a lifetime. You get a lot done.” – Banana Yoshimoto
sweet dreams quotes
25. “I was walking along and this chair came flying past me, and another, and another, and I thought, man, is this gonna be a good night.” – Liam Gallagher
good night quotes for her
26. “I just want to say, good night, sweet prince, may flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.” – Harry Dean Stanton
good night quotes for him
27. “Sometimes I’m so tired, I look down at what I’m wearing, and if it’s comfortable enough to sleep in, I don’t even make it into my pajamas. I’m looking down, and I’m like, ‘t-shirt and stretchy pants? Yup, that’s fine. It’s pajama-y, good night’.”- Rebecca Romijn
night love quotes
28. “A day is going to end again. It is nice to have a friend like you. Making my everyday seems so great. Thank you my friend lastly. Good Night and Sweet Dreams.” – Unknown
good night quotes for girlfriend
29. “Here is a short line to keep in touch because you’re always on my mind very much.” – Unknown
inspirational good night quotes
30. “Love is one of the simplest feelings. All I dream about is capturing your heart each night. You already have my heart.” – Unknown
cute good night quotes
31. “Some nights are made for torture, or reflection, or the savoring of loneliness.” – Poppy Z. Brite
32. “I love the silent hour of night, for blissful dreams may then arise, Revealing to my charmed sight – What may not bless my waking eyes.” – Anne Brontë
33. “God’s guidance is like a small lamp in a dark forest… Doesn’t show everything at once… But gives enough light for the next step to be safe. Goodnight!” – Unknown
34. “Here is to hoping that angels will guard you while you dream and the gentle breezes of the night will keep you cool. If it is too cold, may your blankets be warm as you drift on to a gentle rest.” – Unknown
Good Night Quotes for Friends and Family
35. The sky grew darker, painted blue on blue, one stroke at a time, into deeper and deeper shades of night.” – Haruki Murakami
36. “Touch your heart and shut your eyes, dream sweet dreams and sleep tight.” – Unknown
37. “Each day I wish that my dreams will come true. Then I remember that I am now with you.” – Unknown
38. “It was the possibility of darkness that made the day seem so bright.” – Stephen King
39. “The stars and moon arrive just to wish you a good night. Let the light of the moon guide your dreams as you pass the night away.” – Unknown
40. “No matter how far away you are, you will always be in my thoughts. Each day that we are together is the best day of my life.” – Unknown
41. “Melancholy were the sounds on a winter’s night.” – Virginia Woolf
42. “There may be a billion yesterdays and a trillion tomorrows, but there is only ever one today. I would never let one day pass without letting you know that I am thinking of you.” – Unknown
43. “Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.” – Edgar Allan Poe
44. “All I wish a sheet of clouds for your bed and bright crystals for the stars. While you sleep, may the angels play sweet songs that bring you bright dreams.” – Unknown
45. “The day is busy enough to keep me occupied. In the quiet of the night, I begin to really miss you.” – Unknown
46. “Life begins at night.” – Charlaine Harris, Dead Until Dark
47. “Each night, I hope that the moon is large and bright and you will be happy and right. When you turn off the light, keep in mind that I am dreaming of you.” – Unknown
48. “Night is longer than day for those who DREAM, and day is longer than night for those who make their DREAMS come true.” – Unknown
49. “Each hour is crawling by like years. I cannot wait to be in your arms yet again.” – Unknown
50. “Night falls. Or has fallen. Why is it that night falls, instead of rising, like the dawn? Yet if you look east, at sunset, you can see night rising, not falling; darkness lifting into the sky, up from the horizon, like a black sun behind cloud cover. Like smoke from an unseen fire, a line of fire just below the horizon, brushfire or a burning city. Maybe night falls because it’s heavy, a thick curtain pulled up over the eyes. Wool blanket.” – Margaret Atwood
51. “Good night, and good luck.” – Edward R. Murrow
Good Night Quotes About Wishes
52. “Good night my dearest love and have pleasant dreams. Here’s to the hope that tomorrow will be as sunny and bright as you are.” – Unknown
53. “Brings you dreams of castles in the air and big goals for the future. Rest tonight and allow dreams of the future to wash over your mind.” – Unknown
54. “As the moonlight dims and the world goes quiet, give yourself some rest. Here’s to hoping that your sleep is as sweet as you are.” – Unknown
55. “Here is to wishing that your mind will rest in sweet serenity while the nighttime passes by.” – Unknown
56. “If I give you my heart, will you promise not to break it? Wishing you were here.” – Unknown
57. “All I do each day is wait to be with you again. My entire day revolves around the hope that I can spend my evenings in your arms again.” – Unknown
58. “Take a breath and gaze up at the stars. See the two brightest stars? Those are my eyes twinkling back at you.” – Unknown
59. “May I kiss you then? On this miserable paper? I might as well open the window and kiss the night air.” – Franz Kafka
60. “Disappointment always arrives before hope and the darkness of night comes before the dawn. Don’t lose hope now because things will brighter with the new day.” – Unknown
61. “Sleep is such a luxury, which I can’t afford (suffering from Insomnia).” – Robin Sika war
62. “Each night, when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn.” – Mahatma Gandhi
63. “All I wish that I could be there to say goodnight instead of sending you this message.” – Unknown
64. “Take a look out your window now. Although we may be apart at the moment, we can both gaze up at the same moon.” – Unknown
Good night quotes to end the day on a positive note
65. “A good night in is a series of documentaries.” – Elizabeth Debicki
66. “Day is over, night has come. Today is gone, what’s done is done. Embrace your dreams, through the night. Tomorrow comes with a whole new light.” – Unknown
67. “This is the end of the day, but soon there will be a new day.” – Bernard Williams
68. “The best bridge between despair and hope is a good night’s sleep.” – E. Joseph Cossman
69. “Think of all the good moments of this day and keep a smile for tomorrow! Good night!” – Unknown
70. “Night is the wonderful opportunity to take rest, to forgive, to smile, to get ready for all the battles that you have to fight tomorrow.” – Allen Ginsberg
71. “I promise to be the warrior who fights all your nightmares and the messenger who brings all your sweet dreams. Good night.” – Unknown
72. “Night is to see the dreams and day is to make them true. So its good to sleep now and see the dreams. Good night, sweet dreams!” – Unknown
73. “Your bed is ready to give you a hug, you should be ready to have a rest, and say goodbye to all the stress. Good night!” – Unknown
Good night quotes to make them smile
74. “Always end the day with a positive thought. No matter how hard things were, tomorrow’s a fresh opportunity to make it better.” – Harry Dean Stanton
75. “Don’t worry about tomorrow, because God’s already been there.” – Unknown
76. “Forget about your troubles and let the sweetness of this lovely night lull you to a blissful sleep. Tomorrow is a new beginning. Good night.” – Unknown
77. “Listen to the nightsky, the Mockingbird always sing you my lullaby.” ― Jmemo
78. “Lay your head down and go to sleep. Think good thoughts and begin to dream.” – Unknown
79. “Goodnight, goodnight. The time has come to close your eyes. Everything needs rest to be their best. Tomorrow will be here in the blink of an eye and a shake of a dog’s tail.” – Unknown
80. “The moon embalms me with her love and she kisses me good night. The nightingale sings her song of love when I take rest in the arms of darkness in the night!” ― Avijeet Das
81. “Slow down your thoughts. Focus on your breaths. Get rid of the clutter in your mind. Prepare your mind and body for rest. It is time to go to sleep and wake up refreshed and rejuvenated in the morning.” – Unknown
Beautiful good night quotes
82. “If someone wishes you goodnight every day, you’re happier than so many people.” – Unknown
83. “My idea of a good night out is staying in.” – Martin Freeman
84. “May you dream of lovely things and to find them real.” – Unknown
85. “Let go of every trouble that bothers your heart and mind tonight, and you shall wake up feeling refreshed tomorrow. Good night.” – Unknown
86. “Goodnight. Sleep awaits those of us who dare to dream.” – Anthony T. Hincks
87. “As you go to bed tonight, sleep with the knowledge that God sees your plights and hears your cries, and in due time will grant you the desires of your heart. Good night.” – Unknown
88. “Star light, star bright, you are the 1st and last I think of tonight. Goodnight, my true love.” – Unknown
89. “Goodnight. Let the stars light the way to where your dreams can be found awaiting your arrival.” – Anthony T. Hincks
90. “Goodnight, moon. Goodnight, stars. Goodnight, closet. Goodnight, clothes. Goodnight, TV. Goodnight, kitchen. Goodnight, book on my nightstand. Goodnight, everyone and everything everywhere.” – Unknown
Good night quotes to bring positive thoughts
91. “Positive thoughts breed a positive life, so close your eyes hoping for a brighter future. Have a blessed good night sleep and sweet dreams!” – Unknown
92. “As the night gets dark, let your worries fade. Sleep peacefully knowing you’ve done all you can do for today.” – Roald Dahl
93. “Let the sheep jump over the moon as you count them until your eyes close shut, knowing tomorrow is filled with adventure.” – Unknown
94. “Tomorrow is a new day and a new start to make things the best they can be! Let someone know what they mean to you! Goodnight!” – Unknown
95. “The sea will grant each man new hope, and sleep will bring dreams of home.” – Christopher Columbus
96. “A good night sleep and beautiful dream are the best things to charm your tomorrow.” – Unknown
97. “Before you fall asleep every day, say something positive to yourself.” – Enid Bagnold
98. “Only a peaceful good night sleep can help you to start afresh tomorrow with new positive energy.” – Unknown
99. “Let your mind weave into your subconscious. Your dreams will be filled with the beautiful castles your mind creates.” – Unknown
100. “The night is more alive and more richly colored than the day.” – Vincent van Gogh
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